Let Your Soul Guide You
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Finding a Deeper Meaning Through Sacred Geometry
Looking for spiritual guidance is different for everyone. There is no one size fits all or any certain path one must take. It is all very personal. The simple answer is to go where you are most interested, go where you are inspired. For me, it was through sacred geometry. For another, it might be stars and astrology or psychic mediumship or just wanting more from religion. Everyone's path will be unique to them and they will all lead to greater spiritual understanding, you just need to trust your path.
With Sacred Geometry, I could see the relationships between shapes and numbers which gave my mind something to grasp. Sacred Geometry is one creation story of the physical world that made the most sense to me. You can easily see it in plants, animals and the natural world. The underlying template from which all physical things are structured and the relation to numbers connects to the spiritual world. It is all around us and is one of the very few subjects that satisfy both the left brain and right brain hemispheres simultaneously. It satisfies the left brains desire for logical, sequential and objective data. It also satisfies the right brains desire for random, intuitive and subjective data.
When you work with Ian, you will learn more about Sacred Geometry, and how it connects with your world.

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